Warehouse Move-In: Our Journey Continues

Warehouse Move-In: Our Journey Continues

Out with the old and in with the new! I am so excited to announce that CharCharms is moving into a warehouse! This blog shows our journey from where it started to the much anticipated future.

Hey Guys, I’m so excited to announce that I have finally bought a Warehouse. Since I’ve started CharCharms, I’ve used my parent’s basement, and now it's time for a change! I hope you guys enjoy this journey as much as I did! 

Before our official move-out day, we slowly started packing up all of the CharCharms that were stocked in my parents’ basement. I bought around 50 boxes for a very good price which helped us a lot to keep all the CharCharms in one place. This was a slow process in the beginning but we made it all work out at the end. 

As we packed to move out, Martha was so kind to help me. We cleared all the shelves and slowly moved all the boxes we had packed to the garage so it would be easier for us on moving day. This was such a tiring and sad process to see all setups I had done over the past taken down but I know it’s for the best and I’m so excited to see what the future holds. 

As you all know, I started CharCharms from my parents’ house and their basement was my warehouse for about a year and a half. This was so helpful to me as I had just started my business. It is so shocking to see the growth for our company in such a short time and I’m so grateful for everyone who has supported me throughout this amazing journey! 

A sneak peak into the future: I’m thinking about changing some of the CharCharms packaging and items that are on display so before we started to move out I made a quick visit to Dick’s that sells our products to see some of the items. As a business owner this is such a great way to see your products being sold in person and to see what better changes you can make for the future as your business grows. 

So finally it was move out! This was so exciting to see my new journey begin. I started the day with getting a Uhaul which helped move all the boxes at once. The Uhaul was only $100 and very convenient to move all the products in a short period of time! I’m so thankful for all of my family members who came and helped move all the boxes from the Uhaul to the warehouse!

Now, as we moved all the boxes to the warehouse, everything was kind of a mess and very unorganized but with the help of my great employee Miranda, I was able to start organizing the CharCharms from the colors to the products. When you are growing a business, it is so important to be organized. This will just help you stay on track and move things quickly which can be very convenient with multiple orders. 

All in all, growing CharCharms has been the most thrilling experience of my life. I’ve learned so much from what changes I need to make to the product to what changes need to be made to the company. My dream has turned into a beautiful reality that I can share with all of you now. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me through this journey and I wish to keep growing my passion for water bottle accessories. 

Check out my move-in vlog on YouTube!