Halloween will be here before we know it! If you’re heading to a party, the most important question is what you’ll be wearing. Why not have get your best friends together for some fun and make it a group project? With hundreds of choices, how will you narrow them down!? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered as always. To make it easy we’ve divided them up into themes: Food & Drink, Characters from Movies, and Childhood Nostalgia. Have fun and get ready to party!
Food & Drink Themed
We’ve all got a favorite flavor of fizzy drinks. Get your scissors and hot glue and pick grape, orange, or lemon-lime for this Soda bottle DIY costume.
Who doesn’t love a Milkshake? If you’re a trio of besties, what could be more natural than going as chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry? This DIY costume comes together with some batting and construction paper.
Lunchbox items aren’t just for school anymore! Try out this DIY costume of apple slices, juice box, peanut butter & jelly sandwich, and chocolate chip cookie!
Thrifting colored clothing items will make a big bang for your buck! Unify the theme with matching lunchboxes to carry your essentials instead of a clutch or a purse!
M&m's are everyone’s favorite snack. Chocolatey, crunchy, and colorful. Pair these custom t- shirts with leggings, and make sure you wear white gloves and fun shoes to complete your look!
Whatever your costume, CharCharms has a water bottle charm
to spiff up your look! Remember to stay hydrated while you’re out having fun!